Self Managed Website
Whether hosted on your own equipment or one of many low cost services, developing and managing your own website is a valid option in situations where a simple solution is all you need, or if you have the experience to achieve your goals without outsourcing this critical piece of your companies brand and marketing strategy. However, in todays world, your website is often the first impression customers will be presented with, so it should be a positive experience that is easy to navigate and highlights your best qualities in simple terms.

Most web users click away the moment something doesn’t work right, takes too long, or is otherwise unclear. Don’t lose that one chance due to a slow, non-functional or confusing website. The reality is that taking the cheapest possible route to get a web page up might work out OK if you believe your customers just need to find you and it is on the same level as being in the phone book. On the other hand, when was the last time you looked someone up using a phone book. I am willing to bet you use the internet now, so do your customers, that means the ability for them to find and interact with you using the internet is more important every day.

That is just the surface of it though, a website allows any company to reach well beyond the local area, up to a global market if desired. Well constructed websites will improve accessibility and communication, plus they can even sell products for you with very little overhead, so the investment made can have returns that go far beyond finding your address or phone number. With that in mind, it is easy to see why having a professionally managed website is probably worth what you spend on it, verses getting that $2 a month deal for a slow and incomplete site that you halfheartedly manage and might actually do more to drive customers away than it does to attract and retain them.

  Managed Website Pricing Guide
Since every situation is different it is difficult to offer package pricing for the development and ongoing management of a custom website, but here are some of the main items we consider when pricing out a personalized and fully managed product.

  • Domain Name & SSL Certificate
    $50 Recurring Annual Fee
    $150 One Time Setup Fee

  • Basic Monthly Hosting: $25/mo
    Reliable & Responsive Virtual Servers
  • We Can Also Offer Custom Hosting Options

  • Monthly Management Fee
    Basic Management (up to 5 Pages) Starts @ $50/mo
  • This Does Not Include Site Development Costs.

    Features & Services Provided @ Additional Cost:

  • 3rd Party Applications & Integrations
  • Blog & Forum Management
  • Custom Programming
  • Ecommerce Functionality
  • EMail Configuration
  • Theme & Plugin Setup
    Other Cost Considerations:
    Complexity of the Project
    Initial Setup and Feature Testing
    Deployment & Revision Requirements
    Cost of Software and Licenses
    (if applicable)

    Our Current Hourly Rate: $95

    Contact Us to Get Started

      Professionally Managed Website

    In most cases having someone with the proper experience manage your website will be well worth the money spent. You no longer need to figure out the technical aspects or make sure everything is updated and working properly.

    You will certainly want to be involved in the process though, to provide input and insure the final result meets your expectations in regard to brand image and functionality. If starting from scratch you will want to have any logos or other graphics along with company details, goals and contacts ready. It is also best to start out with something relatively simple, the easier it is for a customer to find the most important information, the better your results will be. Once the initial version is online and working, part of our job is to suggest possible improvements or new features to add based on how your employees and customers interact with the website, so we can tailor things to your specific needs and situation. Of course you can always make your own requests, in either case, we will work with you to be sure we understand what is required, so we can offer an outline of the costs for you to review before making a decision.

    The thought that once finished, a website just takes care of itself is also inaccurate; software needs updating, and anything that breaks because of that needs to be fixed. Having proper backups and security to prevent data loss or worse is also an ongoing task, as is the maintenance of the different components that make up a website as it becomes more complex. These things can take up a lot of time that might be better spent running your company, or may require another employee to handle those tasks for you. So consider the real cost of not having a professionally managed website and then decide if having us take care of that for you is a better option you could investigate.